Three students from the University of Santo Tomas bagged awards in the DOST-BPI Science Awards 2016, held on April 5, 2016 (Tuesday), at the Mind Museum, Taguig City.
Awarded for Best Project of the Year and Best Basic Research Paper is Jerome Japitana, senior BS Chemistry student of the College of Science, with his adviser, Assoc. Prof. Bernard V. Tongol, PhD.
- James Japitana and Dr. Bernard John Tongol
- The UST awardees (middle)
Awarded as National Finalist was Jason Mactal, senior BS Applied Physics student from the College of Science (Adviser: Prof. Christina A. Binag, PhD). Meanwhile, Justin Timothy Vinluan, senior BS Chemical Engineering student from the Faculty of Engineering, was recognized for a university-level award (advisers: Engr. Edsel B. Calica and Assoc. Prof. Allan Patrick G. Macabeo, PhD). Vinluan co-authors for the research paper include Keichell Landicho and Daljit Singh.
- Dr. Christina Binag and Jason Mactal
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Synthesis of Biodegradable Poly (Xylitol Diglycolate and Characterization of Its Thermal, Mechanical, and Morphological Properties, and “in vitro”Degradation
Justin Timothy Vinluan, with Keichell Landicho, Engr. Edsel B. Calica, Assoc. Prof. Allan Patrick G. Macabeo, Dr. rer. Nat., Daljit Singh