Assoc. Prof. Michael Jorge N. Peralta, MSc., Executive Assistant for Intellectual Property & Research, and the Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) Manager, participated in the USAID STRIDE RTI Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office (KTTO) workshops last January 18-20, 2016 at BE Resort Hotel, Macatan Cebu City and April 13-15, 2016 at Makati Diamond Residences. The activities were part of the five-module seminar-workshops on developing, operationalizing, and managing the intellectual property assets of the university in preparation for technology transfer and commercialization. It provided sessions on the different aspects of technology transfer, ranging from IP management, office management, and technology assessments to actual licensing and negotiations with partner industries. The lessons and pointers learned from the activity will be echoed to fellow ITSO institutions to help them improve their processes and hopefully, may aid in the economic development of the country.
- Assoc. Prof Michael Peralta (Center) participates in the discussion and sharing of best practices.
- Assoc. Prof. Peralta explains the technology transfer concept.
The activity was made possible by the funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation for Development (STRIDE).