In line with the celebration of World Autism Awareness Day, a photobooth especially made for it was put up, posting the same statements that will raise awareness about autism. The program was hosted by Ms. Mary Therese Marguerette Mora and Mr.Wrexler Heroes. It started with the opening prayer led by Nia Jayce Urbano, followed by opening remarks given by the adviser of guts, Ms. Eleanor Marie-Hessari Bahrami - Tranquilino. To warm up the crowd, the staff presented a dance number. A getting-to-know activity was facilitated by the hosts wherein each pair introduced their date and gave a glimpse of their talent. This was followed by a snack buffet while being serenaded by Ms. Alynette Grafil, and our special guest Ms. Julia Mella, a Thomasian Idol alumna. With their stunning dresses, and suits, everyone was given an opportunity to flaunt their outfits through the fashion show. Then, a special dance number was given by the Order of St. Ursula to showcase what they have learned during the dance workshop last February 23, 2016. After which, the certificates were presented to the participating schools and communities as a form of appreciation. Special awards were also given to the participants like Mr. and Ms. Congeniality, Mr. and Ms. Shining Star, Best Couple, Best dressed male and female volunteers, Best dressed male and female date, Prom Princess, Prince Prom, Prom Queen, and the Prom King. An open dance followed where the dates got the chance to dance with their partners.