The Faculty of Engineering officials, led by the Dean, Prof. Philipina A. Marcelo, PhD, travelled to Thailand to meet with the officials of the Faculty of Engineering of Chulalongkorn University (CU) and the Faculty of Engineering of Thammasat University (TU) last 23-25 May 2016. The goal of the visit was to establish collaborations between the Faculty of Engineering and the two Institutions in Undergraduate Education, Research, and Graduate Programs. The UST Team was welcomed by their CU counterparts, led by Dr. Phongphaeth Pengvanich, the Asst. Dean for Communication and International Relations, and their TU counterparts, led by the Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prapat Wangskarn.
As the six Engineering Programs of the Faculty of Engineering have been selected by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the ASEAN International Mobility of Students (AIMS) Program, Student Exchange was one of the areas discussed. As an initial joint venture, both Chula Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering of TU agreed to host UST Faculty of Engineering students in a “Summer Undergraduate Research Internship”, which shall commence in June- July 2016. The students will be jointly advised by UST Engineering faculty and CU or TU faculty. This was also meant to begin exploration of common interests in research.
The Engineering Team and their counterparts agreed to look into their curricula and explore opportunities to jointly offer specific courses in a blended face-to-face lecture and technology-enhanced delivery. In the meantime, UST students are welcome to participate in courses jointly offered by Chula Engineering with their Japanese partners.
- UST Eng’g Team at the Chula Museum during their campus tour
- Meeting between UST Eng’g Team and Chula Engineering Team led by the Assistant Dean for Communication and International Relations, Dr. Phongphaeth Pengvanich
- After the meeting, the UST Eng’g Team with the Chula Team led by Dr. Phongphaeth Pengvanich (first from left)
- Meeting with the Thammasat Faculty of Eng’g officials led by the Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prapat Wangskarn (first from right)
- UST Eng’g Team with the Thammasat Eng’g officials after the meeting
- UST Eng’g Team with the Thammasat Eng’g officials after the meeting
The UST officials also discussed with their CU and TU counterparts the joint offering of M.S. in Electrical Engineering Program with research tracks in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, and Computer Engineering. They plan to establish an Agreement on the Program next Academic Year, and have the first cohort of UST graduate students be sent to CU or TU in AY 2017-2018. This will also establish joint research platforms and collaborations between faculty members in the three Institutions. In the meantime, Visiting Professors from CU and TU will be welcomed in the UST Faculty of Engineering, who will be engaged in both teaching and writing joint research proposals with UST faculty; and UST Engineering faculty members will be sent to CU and TU Graduate Programs.
Joining Dean Marcelo to comprise the Engineering Team were Asst. Prof. Michael Francis D. Benjamin, PhD (Coordinator, Engineering International Relations and Programs; Researcher, RCNAS), Asst. Prof. Patric Ellis Z. Go, PhD (Supervisor, Electrical Engineering Laboratory), Asst. Prof. Angelo R. Dela Cruz, PhD (Supervisor, Electronics Engineering Laboratory; Researcher, RCNAS), and Asst. Prof. Ma. Luisa T. Asilo (Chair, Engineering Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement Program).